How did led to the now Middle East

How did led to the now Middle East

How did led to the now Middle East Month this year, the United States and the United Kingdom, France Assad regime gave a military attack against Syria as using chemical weapons. Attack is the end to the limiting, had no significant impact on the regional situation is as subsequent elapsed. However, if if there is a retaliatory attack by the Syrian side, could lead to a big war if it is or not --- accidental events, it is also true that it was a very tense situation. [Middle East to attract attention only when the big terrorism and war. It might Some people catch on like that. But it is difficult to understand the trends in the only track the individual news. How do was arrived at now the Middle East. How do you look at the confusion in a large flow. In this article we will interpretation and understanding it. Stability of dictatorship has brought First, let's look at the figure of the Middle East of the current. Or [Middle East] refer to any range. In a broad sense it hits in this wide range of over the North Africa from West Asia.

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